Tuesday, April 10, 2012

And stuff from this year...

So, this is some of my more recent work... All of this has been done in the last 12 months.... I think..... It's funny, I don't realize how much art work I've done until I decide to upload all of it together, it's somewhat overwhelming. And this is only a tiny fraction! I think I counted the other day, I have a total of 28 sketchbooks.... and all of them are full.... It is times like these I realize why I never had much of a social life :P

My lovely younger sister, modeling for me once again. Done with charcoal and pastel.
And here she is yet again :P Done with charcoal.
This one I used myself for the model... but I didn't follow my face exactly, so it doesn't really look like me... Done with (surprise!) charcoal
Okay, so I'm a super nerd for Doctor Who, and I couldn't resist the urge to do a little fanart :D Done in Photoshop.
So some people are just naturally gifted with painting... I am not one of them. This was my pathetic attempt at watercolor.... haha
This is a commission I did for my cousin. Done with charcoal.
Another commission, but for a different person, haha. Charcoal yet again.
And.... another commission... still charcoal
This one is a self portrait... but I'm not terribly fond of it... It is so difficult to draw the face straight on... And my eyes are just... huge.... I don't know why.... done with charcoal and pastel
Sometimes it's a lot of fun to break away from all things realistic and just goof around. So this is me, goofing around, haha. Done with pen, copic marker, and watercolor pencils.
This was a scholarship entry... and alas, I didn't make it... I thought is was super lame.... Done with charcoal and touched up in photoshop.
Here is another commission. Let me just say it now, CARS ARE FREAKING HARD TO DRAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A person? no problem. Any piece of machinery? HUGE PROBLEM. It was quite a relief when I got it finished.... Done with yet more charcoal.

This one was a birthday present to a friend of mine. And guess what?! It was done in charcoal.... Have you guessed it's my favorite medium yet?

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